Thanks to Southern Cross Electronic Security’s highest quality GPS tracking services you’re able to keep an eye on a single vehicle or an entire fleet. The simplicity of having an eagle-eye enhanced view over the surroundings can bring a number of significant benefits to single vehicle or fleet management operations. The majority of the benefits for companies are efficiency related and greatly help out to reduce costs and improve profitability.


The main benefits for GPS tracking devices for vehicle and fleet management include:
  • GPS route optimisation As soon as the GPS trackers are installed you will be able to recieve crucial real-time information and accuracy for the location of every vehicle in your fleet. This helps in perfectly allowing you to send the ideal path for your fleet vehicle to maneuver to avoid possible delays ranging from possible traffic hazards, construction or emergencies.
  • Decreasing response times to enhance customer service Installed tracking devices in your vehicles will greatly improve your response times in dealing with customers by simply allowing you to select the vehicle closest to the customer location to provide the quickest service.
  • A reduction in fuel costs Fuel costs can easily be one of the biggest expenses when it comes to your fleet management but the addition of GPS tracking devices can help reduce these costs and save you money. By being able to reduce the time your fleet can be sitting idle in traffic or not using the best routes available you have a great cost cutting solution.
  • Improved safety for vehicles Another major benefit to having the ability to track a vehicle or fleet is being able to improve their overall safety. GPS tracking can allow you to identify a problem ,or even problems, with one of your drivers before you get an expensive repair bill caused by poor driving habits. When your drivers know that they are being monitored then they will be accountable for their actions and not take unnecessary risks or put extra wear and tear on the company vehicles.
  • A reduction of losses from theft The simple knowledge that when a thief knows a vehicle is being tracked by a GPS device they have an increased risk of being caught, is an instant deterrent. In the event that your tracked vehicle is stolen you easily have a means to recover your vehicle and greatly reduce potential losses.